Inauguration Israel Pavillon (Architecture Biennale)

Venezia, 16th Architecture Biennale: 25th May 2018
Inauguration of Israel Pavillon and Shabbath Dinner at AIMIG President’s home

Israel attends the 16th Architecture Biennale of Venice and in this climate, the curators Tania Coen and Oren Sagiv has set up the Pavillon with a study of the architectural overlapping of the 3 religions (Ebrew, Muslim and Catholic), through the exhibition of little models, which accurately reproduce the several building periods. This interpretation arises from this year’s theme FREESPACE which presents for public scrutiny examples, proposals, elements – built or unbuilt – of work that exemplifies essential qualities of architecture which include the modulation, richness and materiality of surface; the orchestration and sequencing of movement, revealing the embodied power and beauty of architecture.

You can find below some photos referring to the Pavillon Inauguration, with the presence of the Israeli Ambassador in Rome and the curators, followed later by a Shabbath Dinner offered by AIMIG at its President’s home, to which around 40 people participated.

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